Older Friends

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To apply to be an Older Friend, please click here to read the Older Friend Role Description and then complete our application form below, or submit your application online by clicking here

Older Friend Application Form

Useful documents for current Older Friends:

Older Friend Expense Form

Friendship Project Guidelines version 12

Form to confirm you have read the Guidelines

What to do and, emergency contact numbers if you have a Safeguarding concern

What behaviour could you sometimes expect from your Younger Friend?

Incident report form – in case of an accident on an outing

Mobile phone Guidelines

Recommendations for places/activities with Younger Friends:

  • Please click here for a list which has various recommendations for places to visit as well as where we have rates set up at.  If you would like a form for Cakes for Kids as detailed in the this document please contact karen.hoy@friendshipproject.co.uk