How you can help

  • You can help us by donating money. The money raised will allow us to continue supporting our young people in existing friendships with our volunteers and also provide the funds for us to support more children as we endeavour to meet our increasing number of referrals.  Did you know that £42 will help pay for three outings for one Younger Friend?
  • Apply to be an Older Friend.  Read through our page telling you all about it Older Friend Application Process  and then apply by clicking here
  • Volunteer with us in different ways.  We are always looking for volunteers to work with us, with various levels of commitment and skills. We are currently looking for:-
    • Older Friends to meet regularly with a Younger Friend
    • Group Supporters to keep in regular contact with Older Friends
    • Anyone who could offer support with running or holding events – both fundraising and activity based – for the children
    • Ambassadors to promote our Charity in their local towns and areas – this is a new role to help us to raise awareness of the work of The Friendship Project
    • Promotional support to help us to refresh displays of posters, leaflets or postcards – to help with volunteer recruitment
    • General support with fundraising and donations