Older Friend Judy’s Story

I had been matched with my Younger Friend for just under a year before the first lockdown was announced. Prior to lockdown, we used to go out every week and always had lots of fun and enjoyed ourselves, so both of us have really missed our face-to-face outings over...

A hundred ways of navigating through the lockdown

One would have thought that Younger Friends and Older Friends, ‘YFs and OFs,’ would be veterans after negotiating a path through a year of lockdowns….. This was certainly not the case for me. I had eased myself into a socially distanced walking routine with my YF in...

Older Friend Pat’s Story: Adventures in Lockdown

I had been partnered with my Younger Friend for just under a year when we were placed in the first lockdown. Both of us found it difficult I think, but I stayed in touch via weekly cards and letters as she didn’t seem keen to communicate via phone or FaceTime. I also...

Older Friend Sam’s Story

It’s 1st April 2021 and I’ve just arrived home after spending three hours in the company of my younger friend ‘D’. Our first outing since 23rd December and it was wonderful to actually be in her company again. We talked non-stop as we walked to what has become one of...

Case Study – Pam and her Younger Friend

“That’s how we learn, we all make mistakes and then learn from them”. Pam – an Older Friend volunteer with The Friendship Project for Children was also a Big Brother/Big Sister in the USA (the Project on which The Friendship Project for Children is based). Here...

June and Claire’s Adventures!

“Servant!” shouted Claire to the waitress in the restaurant. Claire had never eaten out before and did not know how to talk to the waitress or order food from the menu. June explained to Claire how you ordered food and how to get the waitresses attention.  This was...