What is a Small Charity?  A small charity is a voluntary organisation with a social or charitable purpose with an annual income of less than £1 million.

Small charities are known for their ‘open door’ approach, being led by people with lived experience and have deep understanding of local issues.

Small charities closely reflect the diversity of their local communities through their staff and volunteers.

There are 163,959 voluntary organisations in the UK. 96% are small charities.

Small charities are embedded in their communities and a trusted source of support. Being smaller means small charities are agile and can pivot to respond quickly to new and emerging needs.  But it can also leave them more exposed to challenges.

Cost of living pressures, layered on top of the lasting effects of the pandemic, following ten years of austerity means inequalities in communities are widening and there is increasing demand on small charity services. In parallel, costs of delivering services are going up and raising funding is more challenging, with increased competition and inflation eroding the value of income.

You can help our small charity by telling people about us. This could be via social media, or even though telling friends and family about us.

We are always in need of more volunteers. You can apply quickly and easily here – https://friendshipproject.co.uk/about/older-friend-application-process/

Or, to help us in another way – donate using the QR code below.