Sadly, Judith Goodman died on the 24 January at the age of 73. She was an Older Friend for around 17 years and stepped down in 2008. During this time she befriended 6 needy young people, latterly, a brother and sister being cared for by their Grandmother.

Judith put a great deal of thought into the activities she organised for her Younger Friends. She was determined to provide them with the sort of outdoor activities and adventure games which she had enjoyed as a child and which young people seldom experience today. She joined in many of these activities including tree climbing!

Judith attended a reception in November organised for past members in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Project. She reminisced enthusiastically about her time with the Friendship Project. Apparently, one of her Younger Friends, now in her thirties, used to contact Judith when she experienced difficulties in her life.

Judith was one of life’s great eccentric characters. She was totally committed to the Friendship Project and much loved by the young people she befriended. The world is a poorer place without her