Oct 10, 2019 | news
Helen and Chris Meeke have donated £200 to The Friendship Project from cake sales at the music concert they hold every summer. Thank you so much for your generosity.
Oct 9, 2019 | news
We are very grateful to http://www.2tri.com for their ongoing support. Cheryll collect a cheque last week which was made up from percentages donated from their employment placements.
Oct 4, 2019 | news
We are always very grateful for donations of any kind, and particularly welcome free attendance for the children that we support at local visitor attractions and classes. Many of our children enjoy cooking and will no doubt benefit from the kindness of Anne Marie...
Oct 2, 2019 | news
We are very grateful to http://www.leamington-tennis-squash.co.uk/ who regularly let us use their meeting facilities without charge. For anyone that hasn’t visited there it is worth taking a look on their website at their facilities. They have recently...
Sep 19, 2019 | news
If you are thinking of volunteering for us, here are some words from current Older Friend Clare to inspire you:- “I find the Friendship Project such a professional charity to volunteer with. The support they offer to volunteers and the systems they have in place...
Sep 16, 2019 | news
We have just reached the end of our 2 year fundraising from The Croft Preparatory School https://www.croftschool.co.uk/ after having been nominated in 2017 as one of their chosen charities to support. Heather Shipley and Cheryll Rawbone from The Friendship Project...