I had recently been divorced, my children had left home and both my parents had died so on a personal level I was quite low but when I read the information leaflet I thought that it was something that I could do to help fill my spare time at weekends and maybe make a difference to a child’s life.
I was introduced to Kerry’s family consisting of a single mother with 4 children, one of whom has autism. Kerry is the oldest and as such does not always get personal attention, her father was out of touch and her school were concerned about her changing behaviour.
I immediately struck a friendship with her mum, who has always been supportive of whatever Kerry and I do. We decide together what we are going to do and Kerry always knows from one week to the next what we are doing.
The family have no car so Kerry loves sitting in the front of my car when we go out. She now talks non stop and is my co-driver informing me if I happen to cross traffic lights on amber and can operate my sat nav far better than me. We have been to parks, zoos, museums, cinema, Birmingham on the train, walked my dog, made cakes for her nans birthday, and climbed up the wall at Go Outdoors. I have been taking her swimming and she is very proud that at school she has moved from the little pool into the big pool. I am so glad because my knees were taking a battering on the floor of the little pool!
We visit the library regularly and I have learned all about the Egyptians, Indians, Vikings, Weather and the Galaxy!
And last but not least we have been going horse riding at a Christian Ranch in Sheepy Magna. Kerry has grown so much in confidence and has a wonderful time, mucking out, cleaning the tack, collecting the muck in the field with a wheelbarrow and riding. We have met some lovely people who have been so kind and we look forward to seeing them every week. Kerry has improved so much at school and has won awards, she is an absolute pleasure to take out as she will try anything, she is trying to persuade me to go ice skating but I’m resisting at the moment!
We usually have a meal together after our activities and she has taught me how to order a meal at McDonalds and I have even managed a Drive Through! I have introduced her to other restaurants and she has discovered new food that she hasn’t tried before and she tells me off if I consider a pudding!
I believe I have made a huge difference to Kerry’s childhood experiences and she has enhanced my life equally. I now know how to play games on my mobile phone I have to watch the ‘X-Factor’ and ‘Britain’s Got Talent.’ I have an even bigger debt now to Neil Diamond!
Judy Sims (Older Friend and CRB & Briefiing Officer for the Friendship Project)