What we do & how we do it!

Feedback from our Younger Friends

Older Friend Application Process

Child Referrals

He is so totally amazing and kind. I love biking with him and he is really enthusiastic and reliable.

I really like going out with my Older Friend because we have loads of fun and we go out on our bikes. He’s great.

I really like my Older Friend. We have so much fun together but she’s leaving and I will miss her. I hope I get another friend.

He is so good, he’s super kind and we get to go to lots of great places.

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15 + 10 =

Number of active Friendships

North Warwickshire



Leamington / Warwick


With thanks to Speech Therapy Warwickshire and The Kenilworth Lions

With thanks to http://www.speechtherapywarwickshire.com for choosing The Friendship Project for their entry into the Boxing Day Duck Race organised by https://kenilworthlionsclub.co.uk/. We now have a £500 for http://www.speechtherapywarwickshire.com winning the race!...

A huge thank you to the Sing it Loud choir

Thank you to Sing it Loud for the donations received at the 'Under the Stars' concert that was in December 2024. From mulled wine and mince pie sales along with some very generous guests and members of the choir, we raised a huge £1,360

Help us win £1000

Please click here to vote for us before 23:59 on 19th December 2024! Please search for THE FRIENDSHIP PROJECT, and our charity type from the dropdown list is 'Community.' Thank you.


Our Generous supporters!